Your Pre-Planning Checklist
Preparation for Pre-Planning Your Funeral
We have created a funeral planning checklist to help you get organized on what is needed, and what is involved in making your final wishes. Once you have completed this process, you will have peace-of-mind that your funeral wishes are known and taken care of.
To Get Started, Here’s what you will need
- Prepare a contact list of individuals that should be notified in case of a medical emergency or your death.
- Write down some of your favourite memories from your life.
- Decide on where your obituary should appear
- Choose the type of service you would like, including elements like interests, passions and hobbies and how they will be included.
Based on these answers, you will then decide the following:
- Cemetery & Plot Location
- Select your Casket Type
- Select your Cremation Urn Type (if choosing Cremation)
- Select your Burial Vault (if choosing a ground burial) - optional
- Choose your type of service: Religious, Celebratory, Military, Non-Denominational, or Fraternal
- Write down the Funeral Home that you want to care for you
- Choose your Pallbearers (if ground burial)
- Choose your Music Selection
- Consider what Floral Arrangements you want purchased
- Choose your Scriptures and other readings
- Select your Charity to receive donations in lieu of flowers, if donations are preferred
- Select the people who will be speaking and the eulogist
Arranging and Delegating your Funeral Pre-Plan
It is important to know that the people who love and care for you will be there at your time of need. You only need to provide them with the final wishes plan and important financial details and know that they can execute your final wishes with the funeral home as you planned.
- Give Your Executor a Copy of your Will
- Take note that Safety Deposit Boxes are normally opened during the estate settlement process, which is usually after the funeral, so it’s not a good decision to place your Will in a safety deposit box.
- Take note that Safety Deposit Boxes are normally opened during the estate settlement process, which is usually after the funeral, so it’s not a good decision to place your Will in a safety deposit box.
- Make sure your representative has a list of all your important information
- Telephone Numbers for:
- Retirement Plans
- Insurance Policies
- Investments
- Bank Accounts
- Safety Deposit Boxes
- Properties
- Your Accountant / Bookkeeper
- Funeral Home
- Telephone Numbers for:
- Designate a Power of Attorney
- A Power of Attorney will ensure that proper information can be accessed in case you become ill or a death occurs.
- A Power of Attorney will ensure that proper information can be accessed in case you become ill or a death occurs.
- Make a list of Services that need to be discontinued
- Make sure there is a list of services that you have subscribed to that need to be cancelled. This can include social media accounts as well.
What should be considered to be paid for in advance:
- Cemetery and Memorialization Services
- Funeral Arrangements including:
- Clergy
- Florist
- Transportation
- Make arrangements for your pets to find a new home
Feel free to contact us for more information, We are pleased to answer any questions, without obligation.
Learn more about Pre-Planning Your Funeral & Cremation Services: